This #Fliphunt movement has absolutely been an evolution of ideas. It started with:
EdTech? On a Field Trip?… which led to …
I Had a Flipiphany!… which led to….
So what’s a #Fliphunt? It’s a video-based scavenger hunt that is completely organized and run in the AMAZING Flipgrid environment. Since the entire UNIVERSE is using Flipgrid now…or should be…this is a wonderfully fun way to get students up and moving while exploring new learning or documenting understanding using the most beloved edtech site for amplifying student voice and student engagement in ways never known before!
Would a #Fliphunt motivate even the most reluctant learners? Is video a powerful way to capture student learning? Can a scavenger hunt be a formative assessment? Can it be differentiated? Do kids like stuff like this? Uhhhh….yeeessssss! Just take a look at this simple example of one Geometry #Fliphunt:
Here’s another one I created to assess students’ knowledge of the skeletal system:
Here’s a super simple visual of how it’s done…
Are you starting to get ideas about how you can adapt this to your own curricular content? These can literally be created and used for every subject and for every age! I have created this infographic of planning considerations to help you think through a few things as you begin to craft your own #Fliphunt:
Here’s some extra-great news for those of you who are eager to jump in and get started. At the #FlipgridLive event in Minneapolis in July 2018, Priscilla Heredia and I formally introduced and ran THE VERY FIRST grand-scale, crazy, off-the-charts, not-actually-educational #Fliphunt for folks who were there at Flipgrid HQ in Minneapolis. That zany, crazy Flipgrid Live Fliphunt was designed for hundreds of people to celebrate Flipgrid-y things and explore Minneapolis during the 3-day event.
What’s even better is that the big ol’ MASTER #FLIPHUNT grid that it was on has a bunch of bells & whistles that you REALLY, REALLY want:
- other sample #Fliphunt ideas organized by subject
- a place for you to add your OWN creative awesome #Fliphunt ideas for others
- clever #Fliphunt game adaptation ideas
- …and even more #Fliphunt resources!
My favorite thing about this WHOLE #Fliphunt grid is….the content is totally created & curated by the Flipgrid community! YOU ALL are the contributors, the askers, the solvers, the brainstormers, and the make-it-betterers! 😎
I have one teensy request….share loudly and widely! Please use the hashtag to share cool #Fliphunt success stories and pictures and link any #Fliphunt you create, and most importantly please add the things you create to the new, collaborative grid at
COOL UPDATE: My friends from Flipgrid thought this was worth writing a post about on their website, so we worked together to come up with some great ‘pro tips’ in this post: Let’s Go On A Fliphunt With Kathi K!
As always, share your thoughts & amazing ideas with me here on the blog, on Twitter at @kerszi, or on my Facebook page Integration Innovation.
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