I’m not sure if or why you might have a use for something like this, but I had a little fun playing with it tonight, and it’s just pretty entertaining.

It’s a website called Clash. You type in a short paragraph or phrase and it takes each word and links it to an audio clip of the famous song or speech. Then it strings all the words together into sort of a spoken/singsong-y audio file like THIS.

The Clash website describes itself like this:

That’s pretty much all there is to it, except that Clash does give you more options for each word than the one it originally suggests. I liked finding audio files that made each word last a little longer so that the message was as clear as possible. It also shows you the source for every single word’s audio (I ended up with Pharrell, Katy Perry, Donald Trump, Eminem, Kenny Chesney, Kanye West, and more – all in one Clash!)

Clash might be a fun way to engage students. You might use it as an attention-getter at the beginning of a lesson. Maybe you’ll let students practice summary sentences using Clash.  It might be a fun way for students to try using content-area vocabulary words in sentences.  How else might you use this site?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Want to hear my final thoughts on Clash? Click HERE.

As always, I love to heard feedback and learn from you!  Please share your thoughts & ideas with me here in the comments section of my blog, on my Facebook page Integration Innovation, or on Twitter at @kerszi